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Kimble County Historical Museum
130 Hospital Drive
Junction, Texas 76849
Open Monday - Friday
9 a. m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday by Apt. 1-4 p.m.
Tours available by appointment
Phone: 325-446-4219
KCHC Board Members
Chairman of the Board
Connie Sue Low
Kandy Dick
Billie Meckley
Board Members:
JoElla Bolt
Jay and Elaine Carpenter
Joe and Norma Hernandez
Janet Jones
Tommy King
Andrew Murr
Sherry Murr
Molly Robinson
Randie Schulze
Cheryl Simon
Rob Roy Spiller
Greer Kothmann--Emeritus
Ex-officio Members:
Judge Hal Rose
Mayor Russell Hammonds
Kimble County Historical Museum is a non-profit organization dedicated to honor our people and the history they leave behind. It is
a project of the Kimble County Historical Commission. The museum operates on assistance from the county, fund raisers, grants, volunteers and many generous donations and gifts.
A big thank you goes to the volunteer docents who keep
the museum operating during working hours. This museum was dedicated in March 2019 to Frederica Burt Wyatt
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